Let’s stop being fools, and fooled by, the Trump carnival…All the media sources, be they major corporate outlets such as New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times USA Today, and of course…14h ago14h ago
The Democracy PhantasyLately, I find myself choking on my own tongue when I see and hear comments about how important it is to “save our democracy”. I also ask…Jul 20, 2024Jul 20, 2024
PBMs, The Invisible $500 Billion Per Year IndustryAnyone who has a regular medication regimen is usually quick to lament how costly it is. Well, you know, drugs are expensive, especially in…Mar 27, 20243Mar 27, 20243
Thoughts and Concerns About Incumbent Office Holders..Vote blue, no matter who!Dec 18, 2023Dec 18, 2023
Beltway VerminIt was overplayed in the corporate media universe that Donald Trump, currently dealing poorly with 92 indictments, invoked the term…Nov 29, 2023Nov 29, 2023
The 12 Step Program for Purging America of TrumpismWe have seen 12 step programs for a variety of social situations other than Alcoholism and other chemical substances. I am submitting yet…Nov 24, 2023Nov 24, 2023
HOW YOUR HEALTHCARE HAS BEEN SKU’DThe financialization of our visits to medical practice groupsNov 7, 2023Nov 7, 2023
13 Clues America is Moving Toward Third-World Social and Economic StatusNational obesity crisis –Oct 31, 2023Oct 31, 2023